Novatronic passenger information systems for Auto promet Sisak

Novi Sad Automatic Passenger Counting Project
Novatronic has successfully delivered an automatic passenger counting system for Public City Transport Enterprise of Novi Sad. In total 21 vehicles will be equipped with the system, 10 solo and 11 articulated buses, where 74 sensors will be installed. Automatic passenger counting is performed by high-accuracy sensors based on time-of-flight technology for the determination of […]

Highlights from IT-TRANS
From 10 to 12 May 2022, the international public transport community, mobility decision-makers and industry suppliers came together in Karlsruhe and showed the latest IT solutions for public transport. With 270 exhibitors from 35 countries, 45 content sessions with 180 speakers and over 7000 visitors, it was a very busy few days. Novatronic exhibited new […]

Novatronic at IT-TRANS in Karlsruhe from 10 to 12 May 2022
IT-TRANS is the worldwide leading exhibition and conference on intelligent urban transport systems. It is where key players and decision-makers meet to discuss pioneering IT solutions that will make tomorrow‘s public transportation even more attractive, safe and sustainable. From May 10 to 12 you will have a chance to meet Novatronic team at IT Trans […]

Novatronic at SEE Mobility 2021 fair in Belgrade
SEE Mobility is an international fair for transport technologies and services, to be held biannually in Belgrade. SEE mobility is a specialized event, unique in this part of Europe, gathering the most successful companies in transport technologies and services. The fair encompasses the following areas: Road, railway and public transport technologies, railway and public transport […]

Novatronic passenger information systems for Libertas Dubrovnik

29 new buses for JGSP Novi Sad

Novatronic passenger information systems for the city of Pacs, Hungary
Novatronic successfully completed the delivery of passenger information systems for 10 buses for a public transport operator in the city of Pacs, Hungary. Delivered buses are manufactured by Solaris, model Urbino. Vehicles are equipped with the latest version of Novatronic’s displays (front, side, and rear) and control unit NBY20. Devices are part of NovaBus product […]